Our Church Council (PCC)

Like any organisation, the church has a team in place to oversee the governance of our buildings, resources, staffing and finances, and this is the role of our Parochial Church Council or PCC

Officially, the principle function of the PCC is to

promote in the parish the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.

Being a member of our church council is a big responsibility and calls for godly brothers and sisters who are committed to Jesus, who love His church, and who, by the power of His Spirit are daily trying to live as whole life disciples

The Council meet roughly once a month, with all our meetings being grounded in God’s word and prayer. In addition to this there are opportunities to take on projects throughout the year to help us live for Jesus as a church family. We also set aside time to have fellowship together on away days and social events.

PCC Updates

Below is a breakdown of our current PCC membership. We do have one vacancy which we would encourage you to prayerfully encourage you to consider standing for. To find out more get in touch with John Shepherd, or our Wardens.


3 Clergy

Our PCC is led by John Shepherd, our Vicar, Charles Kimbangi, our Associate Minister and Emmanuel Baikie, our Curate, who are ex-officio members of the PCC

2 Church Wardens

Our wardens partner closely with our Vicar to form the leadership team for our church and are elected to serve for an annual term, though may serve for multiple terms. Our wardens have a special responsibility to help us to be good stewards of our church building, referred to as our ‘fabric’. They also join with others from the PCC and the church family as part of our Finance and HR teams. Currently our wardens are Ian Metcalfe and Mojgan, but these are elected every year. If you feel God leading you to serve, or want to know more about the role, please do get in touch with Mojgan and Ian by email wardens@ccsurbiton.org

1 Treasurer

One member of our PCC takes on the special responsibility of our Treasurer whose role is to help us to be good stewards of our financial resources, helping us to prayerfully budget, forecast and plan. Our current Treasurer is Dermot O’Brien who can be contacted by email using treasurer@ccsurbiton.org. For more about our finances visit our Giving page

5 PCC Members

In addition to our Treasurer, we have 5 elected PCC members (6 in total) who serve on the council for terms of 3 years, though they may serve for multiple terms. If you would like to find out more, or feel God calling you to share in the leadership of our church, please contact John Shepherd john.shepherd@ccsurbiton.org

4 Deanery Synod Representatives

In addition to being a full member of our PCC, our Deanery Synod Representatives attend meetings of a wider group with representatives from all the parishes in our Deanery of Kingston.  This wider group votes on wider church matters and feeds into Diocesan Synod (in our case Southwark) and thus into General Synod – these are the decision making mechanisms of the wider Church of England.

1 Secretary

The PCC Secretary works to ensure the PCC remains compliant to it’s legal requirements including the publication of notices and the recording and circulating of minutes - this is a non-voting role. At Christ Church the role of PCC Secretary is undertaken by our Administrator, Paola Leverick, who can be reached by email at paola.leverick@ccsurbiton.org or by phone during office hours

Please do pray for our PCC as they seek to steward our resources for God’s glory. Please do speak to any member of our PCC with your questions, they would be pleased to have a conversation with you. Head to out Leadership page to see who is currently serving on our PCC.