Official parish meetings elections

At our APCM we will be recognising reports from the life of our church, as well as electing members of our church family to various key positions in our church council (PCC).

To hold any of these roles, and indeed to be able to vote at the APCM, you need to be included on the Electoral Roll of the Parish. (This is completely different and separate from the Electoral Roll held at the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, which is merely a residential list giving voting rights in elections of local council, London Mayoral and Assembly and Parliamentary elections.)

The Parish roll is reviewed each year (and completely renewed every 7 years) ahead of the APCM.  To check whether you are currently on our Electoral Roll, please select the APCM Report folder in your My ChurchSuite account or contact the church office.

Announcement of elected 2024 Wardens, PCC and Deanery Synod members. Read a copy of John's Annual Report here.  If you missed the Quickfire Updates, you can watch them here   

Any questions?  Do let me know.

Warm blessings

Paola Leverick

Church Administrator